Pat O'Sullivan
Department of Mathematics and Computer Studies
Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland

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Motion and Growth

To make a shape made with coordinates appear to move We first draw the basic shape.
For example, a yacht:

The procedure I used was:

to yacht

pu setxy 0 0 pd
setxy 0 20 setxy 50 20 setxy 50 30 ;back of the boat
setxy 0 30 setxy 50 150 setxy 100 30 setxy 50 30 ;the sail
setxy 50 20 setxy 130 20 setxy 100 0 setxy 0 0 ;front and bottom


To prepare the yacht for release from its moorings add a variable to each x-coordinate and name the procedure so that it requires an input. My version was:

to yacht :x

pu setxy 0 + :x 0 pd
setxy 0+:x 20 setxy 50+:x 20 setxy 50+:x 30 ;back of the boat
setxy 0+:x 30 setxy 50+:x 150 setxy 100+:x 30 setxy 50+:x 30 ;the sail
setxy 50+:x 20 setxy 130+:x 20 setxy 100+:x 0 setxy 0+:x 0 ;front and bottom


We can make the yacht sail from x = -100 to x = 100 as with the following:

to myacht

make "x -100
repeat 200 [yacht :x wait 1 clean make "x :x+1]
yacht :x ;this leaves us with a yacht on the screen after the last clean


You get this:

To create a shape which appears to "grow" we again create the basic shape suitably proportioned.
For example:

This was created by the procedures:

to flower

fd 70
lt 30 ;tilt the first triangle so that the stem doesn't go through a "petal"
repeat 5[triangle rt 72]
rt 30
bk 70

to triangle

repeat 3[fd 20 rt 120]


Now multiply each linear movement by a variable "scale factor" and rename the procedures so that they need an input as follows:

to flower :s

fd 70*:s
lt 30
repeat 5[triangle :s rt 72]
rt 30
bk 70*:s

to triangle :s

repeat 3[fd 20*:s rt 120]


This allows us to draw flowers of different sizes - scaled versions of the basic flower.

We can make the flower "grow" as follows:

to gflower

make "s 0.1
repeat 20[flower :s wait 1 clean make "s :s+0.1]
flower :s ;leave a flower on the screen after the last clean

You get this (without the repetition):

You could combine growth and motion to produce a bubble effect:

I am using the library circle procedure here.
If you leave out the clean command in the bubble procedure you get the a nice "tube" effect:
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