to story
cs pu fd 150 rt 90 bk 200
label [Welcome to my adventure.] move
make "ainm questionbox [Introduction][What is your name?]
label (sentence :ainm [there is a major bank robbery about to take place in an Irish town.]) move
label [ From our intelligence so far we believe that the town in question] move
label [ is either Limerick or Cork] move move
label [Which of these towns would you like to go to?] move
end |
to Limerick
cs pu fd 150 lt 90 fd 300 rt 180
Label [As you walk down O'Connel Street a well known police stoolie whispers] move move
label [in your ear:] move
label [you should have a chat with Fr. Matthew!] move move
label[ There are two busses just about to leave the station. One is ] move
label[going to Cork and one is going to Dublin. Which one will you take?]
end |
to Dublin
playwave "ak-wrong.wav 0
cs pu fd 150 lt 90 fd 300 rt 180
label[You should go to the zoo] move
label [There are lots of other monkeys there!!] move move
label[The bank has been robbed!!!]
playwave "boooo.wav 0
end |
to Cork
playwave "applause.wav 0
cs pu fd 250 lt 90 fd 300 rt 180
label [An excellent choice] move
label [Cork is a beautiful city but as you walk down Patrick street ] move
label [you hear some Dublin accents. You decide to follow the men] move
label[in question. They go up a laneway and into a house.] move
label[You look in a window. This is what you see!]
lt 90 pu bk 100 rt 90 fd 300 lt 90 pd cistin pu
lt 90 fd 300 rt 180 pd
label [The men are looking at some video clips on the television.] move
label [They seem to be looking at a statue and saying something about "match you"] move
label [You overhear one of them saying "Dublin" and the other "Lee"] move
label [Where will you go to, Dublin or the Lee?]
end |
to lee
playwave "away!.wav 0
cs pu fd 250 lt 90 fd 300 rt 180
label [Well done] move
label [You spotted the robbers entering the door of the AIB by the Fr. Matthew statue] move
label [in Patrick St. You arrived on time to stop and arrest them!] move move
playwave "handcuff.wav 0
label [You have saved the banks of the brown lovely Lee] move move
label [Farewell.]
playwave "applause.wav 1
end |
to banks
sound[587 500] wait 1 sound[587 250] wait 1 sound[587 1000]
wait 1
sound[554 500] wait 1 sound[587 500] wait 1 sound[740 500] wait 1 sound[659 500]
wait 1 sound[740 500] wait 1 sound [784 1000]
end |
to cistin
end |
to lchair
fd 25 lt 90 fd 20 rt 90 fd 25 bk 50 pu rt 90 fd 25 lt 90 pd
end |
to rchair
fd 25 rt 90 fd 25 lt 90 fd 25 bk 50 pu lt 90 fd 25 rt 90 pd
end |
to table
fd 50 lt 90 fd 15 bk 80 fd 15 lt 90 fd 50 rt 90 pu fd 50 rt 90 pd
end |
to telly
repeat 4[fd 20 rt 90]
pu rt 90 fd 3 lt 90 fd 3 pd
repeat 4[fd 14 rt 90]
pu fd 17 rt 90 fd 7 lt 135 pd fd 20 bk 20 rt 90 fd 20 bk 20
end |
to move
pu lt 90 bk 20 rt 90 pd
end |
to move1
pu rt 90 fd 50 lt 90 pd
end |
to move2
pu lt 90 fd 100 rt 90 pd
end |
to move3
pu rt 90 fd 25 lt 90 pd
end |
to move4
fd 50 rt 90 fd 15 lt 90
end |
to move5
lt 45 pu bk 70
end |